First Aid Hardware Diagram
You may select the numbered tab to get a definition of the hardware it is referring to in the diagram.

1 - Archwire
2 - Orthodontic Alastic
3 - Band
4 - Bracket
5 - Hook
1 - Archwire
The wire that runs thru each bracket or band in an arch or jaw.
2 - Orthodontic Alastic
Which engages or holds the archwire in the bracket slot.
3 - Band
The ring of metal with a bracket attached to it that is glued to one of the large posterior teeth.
4 - Bracket
The small rectangular attachment or “handle” bonded to the tooth.
5 - Hook
Small hooks attached to the brackets or bands, used to attach tubber bands or power chains.
Common First Aid Questions:
The seal created by the cement has been broken. Call our office to schedule an appointment, as it will take more time than a normal appointment. If the band or bracket has become detached from the wire, save it and bring it with you to your appointment.
This can cause the teeth to shift in the wrong direction and must be corrected as soon as possible. Please call to schedule an appointment.
You can try tucking it in with the non-pointy end of a pencil, or if that doesn’t work you can place wax over the tip of the wire. Wax can also be applied to a bracket or hook that is causing discomfort.
Over the counter pain relievers like Advil, Aspirin, or Tylenol work well for this.
Be sure to mention this to Dr. Martin so he can ensure that appropriate lip / teeth protection is provided.
Most musicians have additional discomfort with braces during the first week or two of treatment. Dr. Martin will ensure they have enough wax and enough knowledge on how to properly apply it to help during this time.